10 ways to suck in Auto Repair

The Leader In Auto Repair Training

How to Sell Your Diagnostic Fee

Unveiling Business Simplicity

Why should we learn how to suck at Auto Repair?

Applying the Inversion method to your daily think, will give you the ability to see how simple this business really is. Sometimes we cant see what we already know, unless we look at it from and opposing perspective.


Course • 12 Lessons

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Frequently asked questions

  • What if my customers buy everything that I tell them they need?

    Well, that means you do great business! People trust you. However, that trust may not be present in a new client. Also, you may have other issues in the shop due to this, like being so busy that you can't keep up with the work that comes in the door. That comes from a lack of expectation. What do I mean by that? Sign up for the course and find out!

  • Will this course give me a full breakdown of the service/ sales process?

    Quis faucibus proin leo iaculis imperdiet morbi diam. Tristique ac, molestie sed molestie sit. Lacus interdum urna, neque habitant cursus commodo, quis nibh nec. Tortor morbi at nec egestas. Egestas mollis non pellentesque ac tincidunt mattis sit auctor. Ut venenatis lacinia augue maecenas elit.

  • What if my customers decline the fee or say that they can get thier car checked for free elsewhere?

    Quis faucibus proin leo iaculis imperdiet morbi diam. Tristique ac, molestie sed molestie sit. Lacus interdum urna, neque habitant cursus commodo, quis nibh nec. Tortor morbi at nec egestas. Egestas mollis non pellentesque ac tincidunt mattis sit auctor. Ut venenatis lacinia augue maecenas elit.

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